The Malaysian Lockdown


The Books I Read This Lockdown!

Books I found while rummaging my Taiping home.

1. THE RED-HAIRED WOMAN: A story about a boy, his welldigger mentor and an accident in the town of Beksitas, Turkey during the 1980s. The story follows the boy into adulthood, the development of Istanbul and his eerie fascination with the 1000-year-old Iran epic Shahnameh. 🌟 Breathtaking

2. WHEN WE WERE ORPHANS - It is the 1930s in England and Christopher Banks is a celebrated detective haunted by the disappearance of his parents during the Opium War in Shanghai. He returns to a different China in 1937, where an ongoing war between Japan and China lead him to uncover the mystery of his parents. 🌟 Underreaching

3. LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER - Set in the early 20th century is a British tale about Lady Constance Chatterley, her renowned crippled husband and the commoner Olivia Mellors, with whom she has an affair. While the book gained infamy for its explicit sex, it is the forward-thinking ideas and highly perceptive views of the author that hold court. Truly is Lawrence a brilliant writer. 🌟 Wow!

4. MR MERCEDES - In a city in America, a retired cop considers suicide while a deranged killer commits mass murder by ramming his Mercedes into a crowd. The race is on and both cop and killer begin their taunts, outmaneuvering each other before the next massacre! No surprises, this book was made into a TV series. 🌟 Highly entertaining.

5. THE VINE OF DESIRE - Set in 1994 alongside the infamous OJ Simpson trial, Anju and Sudha reunite in California after years apart from their childhood in Calcutta. Both are depressed and weary, and when Anju’s husband Sunil falls in love with Sudha, a lifelong bond is threatened. 🌟 Incredibly irritating!

6. ORIGIN - When billionaire futurist Edmond Kirsch makes a discovery that threatens the extinction of religion, he is shot before the announcement can be made. In a thrilling tale running around Barcelona and Madrid, Professor Robert Langdon and Guggenheim museum director Ambra Vidal unearth secrets, Kirsch’s 47-character password and dodge Royal Guardia guards to unleash Kircsh’s work. A magnificent book that fuses art history and evolution in the most profound of ways. You will be left with new ideas on the science VS religion debate. 🌟 Just Wow!!

“Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures,”


My 20-something Thoughts Finally Validated


Ah….. DH Lawrence